This year, however, that has changed. Maxim released its list of the 100 hottest women(known as the Maxim Hot 100) and perhaps even more head-scratching than some of the names that made the list were the perplexing amount of hotties that didn't.
So, without further ado, I decided to take a break from the daily grind of jock talk and do some hot chick investigating and was able to conjure up 10 names that should have made the list. Here goes:

1. Jennifer Sterger: Maxim's "hot" list is usually meant for women who are both physically attractive and socially relevant. That's what makes Sterger's absence even more confusing. For one, Sterger is the most recognizable name on the new Versus sports talk show "The Daily Line". Secondly, Sterger is, for a lack of a better term, undeniably gorgeous. She's also the rare breed of sports chick who....wait for it.....actually knows sports. She's not Sage Steele botching schedule dates and game highlights. Plus, as an added bonus, she's following both myself AND my wife on Twitter....which makes her 20 times cooler than, say, Rachel Nichols.
Where She'd Rank: Top 5

2. Christina Hendricks: With all do respect to Ms. Sterger, there wasn't a more glaring omission on Maxim's list than Christina Hendricks. After all, Esquire annointed her "The Sexiest Woman Alive" just a few months ago. Now you're telling me she can't crack a Top 100 of the world's hottest females? Seems like quite the difference of opinions. For a magazine obsessed with large breasts, you would think Hendricks would be Maxim's monthly poster child. Hendricks being left off the list becomes more insulting when you consider who made the cut. You're telling me you think Kelly Ripa is hotter than Christina Hendricks? Doubtful. In terms of relevance, Hendricks is also a key player in perhaps TV's best drama, Mad Men, on top of the aforementioned Esquire cover that gave her the same honor once bestowed upon Scarlett Johannson(who is 14th on Maxim's list).
Where She'd Rank: Top 10

Where She'd Rank: Top 25

4. Jenna Fischer: I'll be the first to admit that "The Office" has gotten stale over the past season or so, but it's still one of NBC's premier shows. This season, the focal point was Fischer's character, Pam, and her marriage and inevitable pregnancy with show husband, Jim. Did Fischer not look like a super-MILF throughout the entire season? Is she not reason enough to tune in to "The Office" even with the show's comedic flair waning? I thought so.
Where She'd Rank: Top 20-25

5. Heather Graham: There was a time where the name "Heather Graham" caused men to instantaneously perspire. As time passed, that run appears to be nearing its end. Still, doesn't the girl deserve a spot on the list simply by her past body of work? She was Rollergirl, for shit's sake! Felicity Shagwell? What about those scenes in "Killing Me Softly"?Sometimes, a person can put up such a storied career that they can get the benefit of the doubt simply from name recognition. Think of Michael Jordan: The Wizards Years. Graham is the Wizards version of MJ. Look, if Milla Jovovich somehow makes it to #21(Side note: You can't tell me that, of the 100 hottest women on the planet, Milla Jovovich is somehow better looking than 79 of them), then Heather Graham deserves a permanent spot on the list.
Where She'd Rank: 20-30(especially if Milla is #21)

Where She'd Rank: 30-40 range

7. Kate Mara: Kate Mara caught my attention in just the 30 seconds she was on screen as a U.S. Marshall in Iron Man 2. For others, it may have been her run on Entourage as E's love interest Brittney. She's also the granddaughter of late Giants owner Wellington Mara, which is good enough in Gabe's book.
Where She'd Rank: mid-60s

8.Gillian Jacobs: Maybe Maxim has some rule where they can only have one hot chick from a hit show, and yes, if I had to choose, Allison Brie(who was ranked 99th) would be the pick from the two girls on "Community" and yes, Jacobs is more "cute" than "hot", but still....she's cuter than Emma Roberts, right? Roberts went 78th, and she doesn't even deserve to be on the list. Give me Gillian any day of the week.
Where She'd Rank: mid-80's

Where She'd Rank: mid-70s

10. Cobie Smulders: A show that brings in as many hot chicks consistently as How I Met Your Mother should have gotten more love on Maxim's list, especially Cobie Smulders as the show's regular hottie, Robin. She's Canadian, but don't hold that against her. Smulders doesn't have much of a resume beyond HIMYM, but women with less relevance have managed to crack the list(looking at you, Stephanie Pratt!).
Where She'd Rank: low-90's
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