Even for a man who has made a living off saying stupid, outlandish things to grab the attention of the public eye, this is a bit much for Jose Canseco. First of all, who the hell wants to see Canseco fight A-Rod? Canseco's been so whacked out on steroids for the last three decades that he's twice A-Rod's size! Now, Canseco vs. Mark McGwire? That would be interesting. Canseco vs. Bonds? When can we start? But A-Rod? For one, A-Rod dresses like Lucas Grabeel from High School Musical. He looks like one of the ambiguously gay kids you'd find in a pink polo and newsboy cap hanging out with the drama club.
The funny part is, after seeing Canseco last less than two minutes against Yao Ming's twin brother before tapping out in his last fight, I think A-Rod probably stands a chance against the Cuban Glass Joe. Let's not forget that Canseco's the same guy who blew out his arm pitching one inning of relief work. He's also the guy who let a baseball sock him in the head while he was trying to jump the wall to rob a home run. He has all the coordination of Spicoli in Fast Times At Ridgemont High.
Now, as for A-Rod being a liar. Yes, A-Rod kept the fact that he was on the juice under wraps until he was outed(first by Canseco, and then by a supposedly anonymous drug test). What about Canseco? It took him 30 years for him to be upfront about the steroid use we all knew about anyway, and the only reason he did it was so that a. he could make money off a tell-all book and b. he wanted to take as many big names down with him for shock value(To quote Rick Ross: "Jose Canseco be snitchin' because he fiiiiiiinished). We've given Canseco's words credibility because they've turned out to be true, but, OF COURSE, Canseco knows who's juicing, HE'S THE ONE INJECTING HIM! It would be like me telling your family you have a drug problem because I'm the guy selling you the 8-balls. It's not like Canseco is Matlock. He wasn't doing any investigative reporting. He was recounting stories for a chance to rewind a few seconds on his 15 minutes of fame........that died out somewhere around 1988.
That's why, I feel like I should do the world a favor and cut Jose's mic off.
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