My English professor used to tell me to never put my name on something that I wasn't proud to turn in. Here's something they would have taught YOU in college, LeBron, had your dumb ass went to college: When you put your name on something, you become the owner of it. So even if something is "sent" to you, if you repeat it, it's as if you sent it.....ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T CLARIFY THAT IT CAME FROM SOMEONE ELSE! Look, I have no problem with what LeBron may or may not have said in that tweet. He deserves to throw his potshots at Cleveland and the way they performed against the Lakers the other night, especially after Cavs owner Dan Gilbert wasted little time throwing LBJ under the bus. However, as my wife is insinuating, own up to it, LeBron. Just say it was meant for the Cavs. Who the hell else would it be meant for? Your Dallas Cowboys? Charlie Sheen?
For a man who is so obsessed with his personal image and who spends tireless hours filming commercials asking the general public how he should be perceived, LeBron seems so reluctant to embrace the "villain" role that he's now been labeled with since "The Decision". Cleveland hates you, LeBron. Most of America thinks you're a douchebag. Quit trying the squeaky clean act with us. We're not stupid. You wanted to wear the black hat. WEAR IT! Is it immature to gloat over the poor performance of your former team? Yeah, a bit. It's even less mature to not own up to it. What do you think your punishment will be exactly for saying you were the originator of the tweet and you meant every word you said? Is Antawn Jamison going to uninvite you to his Labor Day BBQ later this year? Mo Williams going to stop sending you Farmville requests? Are they gonna cancel the "We Love LeBron" parade in Cleveland? You're the bad guy now, LeBron. Stop worrying about being liked. You think Kobe was trying to win popularity contests after he skated away on those rape charges and had every woman in America looking at him with scornful eyes? NO! He was too busy winning championships! The time has come to be your own man, LeBron. You're not Michael Jordan. You're not Kobe. You're LeBron Ramon James and, right now, you're one of the most disliked American athletes in the world of sports. The only way to change that is to do what you came to Miami to do: Win some rings. That's it. All the fuss over your tweet will dissolve. Win some rings and people will stop caring about the stupid shit you do(well, people outside of Cleveland, you're pretty much screwed there, my dude.).
So, it's up to you, LeBron. You can keep toeing the fence of good and evil and pretend as if you don't still hold some malice for the Cleveland organization and keep trying to feed us fans and people in the media your half-brained excuses or you can go about your business and be the dominant force that all your press clippings have told us you're going to be.
The choice is yours, but until then, your mic is cut off.
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