This man is current Oakland A's third baseman(sort of) Eric Chavez. At the beginning of the new millennium, Chavez was not only one of the best sluggers to man the hot corner, he was one of the most promising young hitters in the game. In 2000, his second full season in the bigs, Chavez hit .277 with 26 homers and 86 RBIs. The year after that, he hit .288 with 32 home runs and 114 RBIs, which was arguably his best season. In fact, from 2000-2006, Chavez had at least had at least 100 RBIs 4 times, and hit at least 20 home runs in each season as well as won the Golden Glove for 6 straight years. So why is he in a feature normally awarded to deadbeats? Well, for all of his greatness, Chavez's weaknesses were pretty evident. For one, he struggled with lefty pitchers the way Paris Hilton struggles with long sentences, and he had more trouble laying off the high fastballs than Kit Keller. He's never hit .300 in a season, never been selected to an All-Star game and his struggles in the postseason were among the many reasons why the A's were unable to capitalize on their Big Three of young pitcher(Tim Hudson, Barry Zito and Mark Mulder) and win a championship. He signed a 6-year, $66 million extension in 2004 and when he hasn't been hurt, the A's have been more adamant on hiding Chavez against southpaws than Lady Gaga is on hiding her penis. In fact, given how frugal the A's have been under GM Billy Beane, it would surprising if they don't bid farewell to Chavy in the coming months, which would be astounding given he's only 30.
So let's give one last round of applause for the Dave Kingman of third basemen before he fades in October like he does every year.......ERIC CHAVEZ, EVERYBODY!!!
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