We've cut off plenty of mics in the little over a year existance of BoomRoastedSports, but we never cut a mic off of someone who merely posted a picture without saying a word. That has to tell you something about the picture shown above posted on Twitter by Visanthe "Dick Swingin'" Shiancoe. For those not on Twitter or for those who just plain don't give a damn about a war of words between an aging safety and a flash-in-the-pan tight end, this "rivalry" started with Saints free safety Darren Sharper suggesting that he, as well as the rest of the Saints D, might be targeting Vikings always-indecisive QB Brett Favre's surgically repaired ankle. That threat apparently offended Shiancoe, as it should for any nobody who owes their breakout season to their future Hall of Fame QB. Shiancoe vowed to take Sharper out when the two teams meet in the 2010 season opener. Sharper responded by daring Shiancoe to bet his game check on Sharper's ability to shut Shiancoe down.
Then, a week later, while at a military training camp with some Vikings teammates, Shiancoe thought it would be funny to impose the head of America's Public Enemy #1, Osama Bin Laden, on a body with a makeshift Darren Sharper jersey on it with an air quote(for those who couldn't gather it was Sharper by the big "42" on its chest) that said "I'm Darren Sharper."
Now, I've never been a member of the PC police. As far as I'm concerned, it's a free country. People can say what they feel and do what they want. Certianly, I take those liberties every now and then on this very website. That being said, Shiancoe's a fucking moron. Thousands of American lives have been lost fighting a needless war overseas and Shiancoe thought it would be humorous to trivialize this by comparing a Pro Bowl safety to the orchestrator of the most devastating attack on American soil. That kind of ignorance is mind-blowing. What Shiancoe did with his half-witted attempt at a comeback was take something that was simply being passed as a war of words between two rivals and made it a completely bigger issue that brings the matter away from sports. Suddenly, this becomes a matter of making light of the fact that thousands of troops find themselves in harm's way on a daily basis rather than just some bullshit trash talk. And for what? Because a Pro Bowl defender wants to lay your quarterback on his ass? THAT'S WHAT HE'S BEING PAID TO DO!!!! Look, I'm not into politics. I don't get involved with those kind of matters because it's always a national powderkeg, but even I know when a line is crossed.
Apparently, so does Sharper. In response to Shiancoe's latest display of idiocy, Sharper told Shiancoe, on Twitter, of course(because, God forbid, we handle these things by phone call or something a bit more private), that he's going to "bust you right under your chin strap from the first play on.....Imma do it for the red, white and blue." Darren Sharper, everybody. Pro Bowl safety. Celebrity do-gooder. Patriot. Now, I've been vocal about my dislike for Favre since he backstabbed the Packers a couple years ago. So, naturally, I was a wee bit giddy at Sharper's "X marks the spot" comment, and I understand Shiancoe has a duty to protect his teammate. However, there are ways to do it without causing a public relations brouhaha and offending not only the troops but the worried families of the troops. Even hardcore Vikings fans have to look at this picture and think it was a bit much.
You want to offend Sharper? Keep it on the field. Talk about his momma. Call him any number of derogatory comments men have been calling each other in the heat of the moment over the last twenty centuries. Why turn this into something that even casual fans will object to? As big of an idiot as Shiancoe is for pushing it to this level, the guys around Shiancoe at that camp are even bigger imbeciles. At no point when Shiancoe is putting the Sharper dummy together does anyone feel inclined to step up and say "maybe this isn't the best idea". As sensitive as the American public has been since Nipple-gate, you really wanted to roll the dice that his thing would go unnoticed? Commissioner Goodell, I'm sure, will hand down his infamous fines and I'm sure he'll be keeping a close eye on Sharper on September 9th in the season opener. That, however, won't keep this story from being a public relations shitstorm and all the apologies in the world won't be able to save Shiancoe's ass in the hearts and minds of people affected by the war. What was supposed to be a slight on Sharper has apparently had the reverse affect and has given the Saints safety a whole nation of non-idiotic people behind him. It will be a matter that won't be squared until the two cross paths on that anticipated Thursday night.
In the meantime, Visanthe Shiancoe and his gang of mental midgets can consider their mic cut off.
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