StergTV is the name of the webcast on UStream hosted by Jenn Sterger and normally airs in the hour or so leading up to Sterger's new show on Versus, The Daily Line. Anyone who has read my thoughts in this space knows that I am a Grade A skeptic(or hater....whichever label you choose), so when word got out that the former FSU cowgirl-turned-New York Jets analyst was spearheading an internet chat, I was both intrigued and concerned. After all, for years, female analysts with the kind of once-in-a-generation looks that Sterger possesses have turned out to be nothing more than pin-up models with limited sports knowledge who were used strictly to draw in the male demographic(cough..cough...Lisa Guerrerro..cough...cough). Here's what separates Sterger from that class of female: She has substance. On StergTV, Sterger showcases her uncanny wit and charm as well as her immense sports knowledge. She's quick to discuss her Rays and 'Noles, but also finds a way to both promote the upcoming Daily Line as well as survey the audience on the day's top sports topics ranging from the Stanley Cup to the Finals to vuvuzelas.
StergTV's viewership has been pretty impressive as well. On her June 2nd webcast, Sterger drew in over 13,000 viewers(most of which coming in either during or after the epic OT Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals that was airing on Versus), and on a normal night the webcast draws viewers in the quadruple digits(which is impressive, given the fact the show airs late in the night, Monday to Thursday, right around when Sportscenter is airing or while most males are either partying or resting for work the next day).

Sterger's webcast, like most shows with a strong cult following, even has its own band of regulars: a group of people who call themselves "The Sterge Protectors". What started out simply as a cute name by some creative wordsmith has turned into its own phenomenon. There are now Sterge Protector groups on Facebook, Sterge Protector T-Shirts, even Sterger herself has acknowledged her core followers at various times on The Daily Line. The fact that "The Sterge Protectors" exist is a testament to Sterger's ability to draw a crowd. She's a walking IMDB, quoting everything from Talladega Nights to South Park. Her pop culture references and down-to-Earth nature make her seem more approachable, which is key in a society filled with quick-to-fame celebs who'd rather not be bothered by their starstuck minions. On top of that, her sports acumen gives her a certain caliber of credibility amongst a normally sexist male demographic, who are quick to write off girls as just pretty sideline fodder. I, myself, a quick-witted sole with a knack for movie one-liners has been vastly entertained by Sterger's brand of comedy to the point that her webcast has become appointment television in the Leonardis house(even for my wife, who despises women in sports but LOVES Jenn Sterger). She's changed the game. She's become the rare female that men tune in to hear HER thoughts on sports rather than the other way around, as well as someone who can draw in normally-catty female viewers who wouldn't usually find themselves in a sports chatroom late at night to join the party. She doesn't just yap to her audience, but interacts with them, responding to questions, laughing at their jokes and even utilizing some of her followers' best work into her own routine. In short, she's become a people's champion.
I'm not sure whether the idea of unleashing Sterger on UStream was the idea of the show's producers to bring in new viewers or whether Sterger herself decided to try it out on her own, but what started out as a quaint curiosity for me has now turned into one of the more entertaining parts of my day. With Sterger's role on Daily Line limited(simple math: 1 hour, 4 mouths, someone's going to take a back seat), StergTV not only whets the appetite for people waiting to watch the show but also allows Sterger to make up for missed time by entertaining another audience. In essence, she's contributing to the ratings of two shows at once. Naturally, I'm being selfish and when I say I hope for the continued success of StergTV, but Sterger's presence as a stand-alone entity could eventually bring in a new breed of female sports personality. She's proof that you can be both a world-class beauty and knowledgeable of a male-dominated world, and that the ability to utilize both can get you places.
So from one people's champion to another, hat's off to Jenn Sterger on her outstanding work both online and on Versus, and HERE'S THE STERGTV!!!!!!!
Amen. Excellent blog.
ReplyDeleteDL is absolutely on point wih this blog entry, I became a Sterge protector via Facebook, where my evenings were filled with mindless FB games, and chatting with the same 5 kids from high school. I'm not a HUGE sports fan, I follow NFL and MLB, with a little MMA and NBA, I'm more into NHRA Drag Racing than anything else, and you know what? I fit right in with the rest of the gang on StergTV. Jenn goes out of her way and spends her own precious time with us, as we regulars know, she is one busy woman and could easily skip her time with us for a few extra Zzzzz's Jenn Sterger does not get the credit she deserves, and anyone that wants to take a cheap shot at her, doesn't know her!!! Versus, The Daily Line, You are indeed lucky to have her.
ReplyDeletehere's the link for the webcast: